Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Thing #12

I found this picture. It said, "It's ok!" I lost my original post and felt Vaughn say, "It's ok!" I appreciate her support. I am REALLY learning a lot through this online-23 Things!

I'll start over and yipee I took notes! So, the lesson I learned here is to probably save my drafts somewhere!

1. The two important points in the readings are:
*The etiquette of responding to blogs-respond if you have something to say, be complementary, and then give your thoughts in a "non-sarcastic" tone (criticize kindly). Also, have something to say when you post your blog!

*the Power and impact blogs can have on others-a blog can be used to help children express themselves. When soliciting comments on your blog-invite comments, ask questions, interact with the comments, and make it easy to comment.

2. The five different Learn2Play blogs that I commented on were Marsha's Notebook, Jill's talk, Mountain Mustangs, Playing with/tech, and Ms Frazzled. I tried to send an encouraging note, especially on the Newbies to the 23 Things.

3. I wasn't quite sure what to put in the search box in the Google Blog Search. I used "Elementary Library" and "Primary technology". The elementary library had blogs about an author visit, jobs, a grant received in Utah, and banned books.Of course there were LOTS of blogs posted. One site looked like a replacement for an actual website.

Primary technology had two sites which drew my attention. One was about technology in China. It seems the actual science and math books are more important than technology with elementary students. Also, I found one "Childhood Memories" which was about banned books. I thought the author was going to reminice about her life.